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class InMemoryMapWriteLayer<K, V> : MapWriteLayer<K, V>
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data class MapMessageHandlerOptions<K, V>(val writeLayer: MapWriteLayer<K, V>, val retryPolicy: RetryPolicy<Throwable>? = defaultRetryPolicy) : RetryOptions
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interface MapWriteLayer<K, V>

Acts as the kernel for actually persisting/storing items in a PersistentMap. Many of these are not exposed through PersistentMap but they're required to make certain guarantees in the apis that are exposed.

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class PersistentMap<K, V>(options: MapMessageHandlerOptions<K, V>)

A map-like utility that immediately persists all of its contents to disk.

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class SqliteMapWriteLayer<K, V>(    name: String,     keySerializer: Serializer<K>,     valueSerializer: Serializer<V>) : SqliteManager, MapWriteLayer<K, V>

Implementation of MapWriteLayer that uses sqlite as the storage layer.