
whylogs is an open source library for logging any kind of data. With whylogs, users are able to generate summaries of their datasets (called whylogs profiles) which they can use to:

  • Track changes in their dataset

  • Create data constraints to know whether their data looks they way it should

  • Quickly visualize key summary statistics about their datasets

These three functionalities enable a variety of use cases for data scientists, machine learning engineers, and

data engineers:

  • Detecting data drift (and resultant ML model performance degradation)

  • Data quality validation

  • Exploratory data analysis via data profiling

  • Tracking data for ML experiments

  • And many more…


Package Contents#



A holder object for profiling results.


A Writable is an object that contains data to write to a file or files.


log(→ result_set.ResultSet)

log_classification_metrics(→ result_set.ResultSet)

Function to track metrics based on validation data.

log_regression_metrics(→ result_set.ResultSet)

Function to track regression metrics based on validation data.

profiling(*[, schema])

read(→ result_set.ResultSet)

write(→ None)

init(→ whylogs.api.whylabs.session.session.Session)

Set up authentication for this whylogs logging session. There are three modes that you can authentiate in.

v0_to_v1_view(→ whylogs.core.DatasetProfileView)

package_version(→ str)

Calculate version number based on pyproject.toml

class whylogs.ResultSet[source]#

Bases: whylogs.api.writer.writer._Writable, abc.ABC

A holder object for profiling results.

A whylogs.log call can result in more than one profile. This wrapper class simplifies the navigation among these profiles.

Note that currently we only hold one profile but we’re planning to add other kinds of profiles such as segmented profiles here.

property metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]]#
Return type

Optional[Dict[str, str]]

property count: int#
Return type


property performance_metrics: Optional[whylogs.core.model_performance_metrics.ModelPerformanceMetrics]#
Return type


get_default_path() Optional[str][source]#
Return type


static read(multi_profile_file: str) ResultSet[source]#

multi_profile_file (str) –

Return type


static reader(name: str = 'local') ResultSetReader[source]#

name (str) –

Return type


abstract view() Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetProfileView][source]#
Return type


abstract profile() Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetProfile][source]#
Return type


get_writables() Optional[List[whylogs.api.writer.writer._Writable]][source]#
Return type


set_dataset_timestamp(dataset_timestamp: datetime.datetime) None[source]#

dataset_timestamp (datetime.datetime) –

Return type


add_model_performance_metrics(metrics: whylogs.core.model_performance_metrics.ModelPerformanceMetrics) None[source]#

metrics (whylogs.core.model_performance_metrics.ModelPerformanceMetrics) –

Return type


add_metric(name: str, metric: whylogs.core.metrics.metrics.Metric) None[source]#
Return type


abstract merge(other: ResultSet) ResultSet[source]#

other (ResultSet) –

Return type


write(path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) Tuple[bool, str]#
  • path (Optional[str]) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type

Tuple[bool, str]

writer(name: str = 'local', **kwargs: Any) WriterWrapper#

Utility method to create a Writer of the specified type

  • name (str) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type


whylogs.log(obj: Any = None, *, pandas: Optional[whylogs.core.stubs.pd.DataFrame] = None, row: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetSchema] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, multiple: Optional[Dict[str, Loggable]] = None, dataset_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, trace_id: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, segment_key_values: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, debug_event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) result_set.ResultSet[source]#
  • obj (Any) –

  • pandas (Optional[whylogs.core.stubs.pd.DataFrame]) –

  • row (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) –

  • schema (Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetSchema]) –

  • name (Optional[str]) –

  • multiple (Optional[Dict[str, Loggable]]) –

  • dataset_timestamp (Optional[datetime.datetime]) –

  • trace_id (Optional[str]) –

  • tags (Optional[List[str]]) –

  • segment_key_values (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) –

  • debug_event (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) –

Return type


whylogs.log_classification_metrics(data: whylogs.core.stubs.pd.DataFrame, target_column: str, prediction_column: str, score_column: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetSchema] = None, log_full_data: bool = False, dataset_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) result_set.ResultSet[source]#

Function to track metrics based on validation data. user may also pass the associated attribute names associated with target, prediction, and/or score.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe with the data to log.

  • target_column (str) – Column name for the actual validated values.

  • prediction_column (str) – Column name for the predicted values.

  • score_column (Optional[str], optional) – Associated scores for each inferred, all values set to 1 if None, by default None

  • schema (Optional[DatasetSchema], optional) – Defines the schema for tracking metrics in whylogs, by default None

  • log_full_data (bool, optional) – Whether to log the complete dataframe or not. If True, the complete DF will be logged in addition to the regression metrics. If False, only the calculated regression metrics will be logged. In a typical production use case, the ground truth might not be available at the time the remaining data is generated. In order to prevent double profiling the input features, consider leaving this as False. by default False.

  • dataset_timestamp (Optional[datetime], optional) – dataset’s timestamp, by default None

Return type



data = {
    "product": ["milk", "carrot", "cheese", "broccoli"],
    "category": ["dairies", "vegetables", "dairies", "vegetables"],
    "output_discount": [0, 0, 1, 1],
    "output_prediction": [0, 0, 0, 1],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

results = why.log_classification_metrics(
whylogs.log_regression_metrics(data: whylogs.core.stubs.pd.DataFrame, target_column: str, prediction_column: str, schema: Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetSchema] = None, log_full_data: bool = False, dataset_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) result_set.ResultSet[source]#

Function to track regression metrics based on validation data. User may also pass the associated attribute names associated with target, prediction, and/or score.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – Dataframe with the data to log.

  • target_column (str) – Column name for the target values.

  • prediction_column (str) – Column name for the predicted values.

  • schema (Optional[DatasetSchema], optional) – Defines the schema for tracking metrics in whylogs, by default None

  • log_full_data (bool, optional) – Whether to log the complete dataframe or not. If True, the complete DF will be logged in addition to the regression metrics. If False, only the calculated regression metrics will be logged. In a typical production use case, the ground truth might not be available at the time the remaining data is generated. In order to prevent double profiling the input features, consider leaving this as False. by default False.

  • dataset_timestamp (Optional[datetime], optional) – dataset’s timestamp, by default None


Return type



import pandas as pd
import whylogs as why

df = pd.DataFrame({"target_temperature": [[10.5, 24.3, 15.6]], "predicted_temperature": [[9.12,26.42,13.12]]})
results = why.log_regression_metrics(df, target_column = "temperature", prediction_column = "prediction_temperature")
whylogs.profiling(*, schema: Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetSchema] = None)[source]#

schema (Optional[whylogs.core.DatasetSchema]) –

whylogs.read(path: str) result_set.ResultSet[source]#

path (str) –

Return type


whylogs.write(profile: whylogs.core.DatasetProfile, base_dir: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None) None[source]#
Return type


whylogs.init(reinit: bool = False, allow_anonymous: bool = True, allow_local: bool = True, whylabs_api_key: Optional[str] = None, default_dataset_id: Optional[str] = None, config_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: bool) whylogs.api.whylabs.session.session.Session[source]#

Set up authentication for this whylogs logging session. There are three modes that you can authentiate in.

  1. WHYLABS: Data is sent to WhyLabs and is associated with a specific WhyLabs account. You can get a WhyLabs api

    key from the WhyLabs Settings page after logging in.

  2. WHYLABS_ANONYMOUS: Data is sent to WhyLabs, but no authentication happens and no WhyLabs account is required.

    Sessions can be claimed into an account later on the WhyLabs website.

  3. LOCAL: No authentication. No data is automatically sent anywhere. Use this if you want to explore profiles

    locally or manually upload them somewhere.

Typically, you should only have to put why.init() with no arguments at the start of your application/notebook/script. The arguments allow for some customization of the logic that determines the session type. Here is the priority order:

  • If there is an api key directly supplied to init, then use it and authenticate session as WHYLABS.

  • If there is an api key in the environment variable WHYLABS_API_KEY, then use it and authenticate session as WHYLABS.

  • If there is an api key in the whylogs config file, then use it and authenticate session as WHYLABS.

  • If we’re in an interractive environment (notebook, colab, etc.) then prompt the user to pick a method explicitly.

    The options are determined by the allow* argument values to init().

  • If allow_anonymous is True, then authenticate session as WHYLABS_ANONYMOUS.

  • If allow_local is True, then authenticate session as LOCAL.

  • reinit (bool) – Normally, init() is idempotent, so you can run it over and over again in a notebook without any issues, for example. If reinit=True then it will run the initialization logic again, so you can switch authentication methods without restarting.

  • allow_anonymous (bool) – If True, then the user will be able to choose WHYLABS_ANONYMOUS if no other authentication method is found.

  • allow_local (bool) – If True, then the user will be able to choose LOCAL if no other authentication method is found.

  • whylabs_api_key (Optional[str]) – A WhyLabs api key to use for uploading profiles. There are other ways that you can set an api key that don’t require direclty embedding it in code, like setting WHYLABS_API_KEY env variable or supplying the api key interractively via the init() prompt in a notebook.

  • default_dataset_id (Optional[str]) – The default dataset id to use for uploading profiles. This is only used if the session is authenticated. This is a convenience argument so that you don’t have to supply the dataset id every time you upload a profile if you’re only using a single dataset id.

  • upload_on_log – If True, and the session type is WHYLOGS or WHYLOGS_ANONYMOUS, automaticall upload the profile to WhyLabs from the why.log() function. By default, uploading to WhyLabs requires an explicit write() call from a WhyLabsWriter.

  • config_path (Optional[str]) –

  • kwargs (bool) –

Return type


class whylogs.DatasetProfileView(*, columns: Dict[str, whylogs.core.view.column_profile_view.ColumnProfileView], dataset_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime], creation_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime], metrics: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None)[source]#

Bases: whylogs.api.writer.writer._Writable

A Writable is an object that contains data to write to a file or files. These might be temporary files intended to be passed on to another consumer (e.g., WhyLabs servers) via a Writer.

property dataset_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime]#
Return type


property creation_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime]#
Return type


property metadata: Dict[str, str]#
Return type

Dict[str, str]

property model_performance_metrics: Any#
Return type


set_dataset_timestamp(dataset_timestamp: datetime.datetime) None[source]#

dataset_timestamp (datetime.datetime) –

Return type


add_model_performance_metrics(metric: Any) None[source]#

metric (Any) –

Return type


merge(other: DatasetProfileView) DatasetProfileView[source]#

other (DatasetProfileView) –

Return type


get_column(col_name: str) Optional[whylogs.core.view.column_profile_view.ColumnProfileView][source]#

col_name (str) –

Return type


get_columns(col_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) Dict[str, whylogs.core.view.column_profile_view.ColumnProfileView][source]#

col_names (Optional[List[str]]) –

Return type

Dict[str, whylogs.core.view.column_profile_view.ColumnProfileView]

write(path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) Tuple[bool, str][source]#
  • path (Optional[str]) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type

Tuple[bool, str]

serialize() bytes[source]#
Return type


classmethod zero() DatasetProfileView[source]#
Return type


classmethod deserialize(data: bytes) DatasetProfileView[source]#

data (bytes) –

Return type


classmethod read(path: str) DatasetProfileView[source]#

path (str) –

Return type


to_pandas(column_metric: Optional[str] = None, cfg: Optional[whylogs.core.configs.SummaryConfig] = None) whylogs.core.stubs.pd.DataFrame[source]#
Return type


writer(name: str = 'local', **kwargs: Any) WriterWrapper#

Utility method to create a Writer of the specified type

  • name (str) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type


whylogs.v0_to_v1_view(msg: whylogs.core.proto.v0.DatasetProfileMessageV0, allow_partial: bool = False) whylogs.core.DatasetProfileView[source]#
  • msg (whylogs.core.proto.v0.DatasetProfileMessageV0) –

  • allow_partial (bool) –

Return type


whylogs.package_version(package: str = __package__) str[source]#

Calculate version number based on pyproject.toml


package (str) –

Return type
